Student Ambassadors Logo


The East Georgia State College Student Ambassadors promote collegiate pride in EGSC and help facilitate awareness of campus programs and services.

As a “Face of the College,” they represent EGSC at a variety of events such as career days, recruiting activities, alumni functions, special visitation days, campus tours, high school student activities, seminars and receptions.

Apply to Become a Student Ambassador

Please send a one-page, typed essay explaining why you want to be an East Georgia State College Ambassador. Address the following questions in your essay: 
  • Why do you wish to be involved in the College Ambassador program?
  • What would you like to learn from the program?
  • What qualities do you have to contribute to the program?
  • How much time will you commit to being an Ambassador?
Please also send two letters of recommendation.

Send to:
Johnna Eaton
Interim Dean of Students
East Georgia State College
131 College Circle
Swainsboro, GA 30401
I understand that I must send the above information to Johnna Eaton for my application to be considered.*
Privacy Statement*
All personal data and special categories of sensitive personal data collected or processed by East Georgia State College must comply with the EGSC Cybersecurity Plan, as authorized by the Board of Regents Policy Manual Section 10.4 Cybersecurity: Anyone suspecting his or her sensitive personal data has been exposed to unauthorized access, report your suspicion to Otherwise, questions concerning GDPR can be forwarded to Checking the associated box and submission of this form provides consent to and acknowledgement of the EGSC Data Security and Privacy Policy.